daily blogs It’s OK Not to be OK

It’s OK Not to be OK

Good evening all . Happy Sunday. Hopefully you all were in Community today with others. Being in Community is very important because as we know we are not meant to do life alone. If you are not in Community how can you get in one ?

I am going to also Pod Cast on this tonight which I tried earlier twice to and from the hospital. The first time the phone came out of the visor and hit me in the mouth and I discovered after probably 15 mins of pod casting it had stopped recording at 32 seconds into it . Attempt number two the audio was so statically when I went to upload it that I asked someone with me about the quality of the audio and they said no you cannot use that . Now I do have it for a later time but the audio is that bad . What did I learn stop trying to Pod Cast in a moving vehicle, Lol.

Today what spoke to me was It’s OK to Not be OK. We should allow ourselves to feel it . Not suppress it , Not deny it , Not cover it up not do some counter productive behavior that will just make matters worse . No just simply feel it , recognize it, allow it and then Keep Going. It is fine to be there , to have an up upset moment , depressed moment,out of sorts moment ,we just can not take up residence there . We do not want to sign a lease . Allow yourself to feel it and then do something to move forward. Do you need to sit in silence, do you need to pray, do you need meditate, do you need to listen to music , do you need to worship , do you need to express love to someone,Do you need to yell, cry, journal, exercise, just move around, call someone, go to a meeting, go to church, get in some type of community. Allow it don’t deny it but do not take up stock there. Your Higher Power is right there to ask for assistance and then we truly have to listen for the response and accept whatever assistance/help is sent our way . It’s OK not to be OK just don’t stay there and please seek out the assistance/ community you need. More on seeking out the Community tomorrow unless something else hits me to write about tomorrow. We should ask ourselves if the Community we considering being part of is healthy for us. Birds of a feather flock together. You can be a Community that is there and is supporting of you but participates in unhealthy behaviors and/or practices how safe is that for you ? Are you going to start those same behaviors/ and or increase them if you are currently engaging in them? Have a great night . Tell someone you Love them , start with you ! Love you all Take Care of yourself and each other.If you haven’t start the work to Love yourself!


Message from the Universe

Today’s Law of Attraction

Angels are saying today

Daily Prayer’s

Father God, please fill me with joy and peace because I trust in You. And if I start to feel overwhelmed, hopeless, confused, or fearful—remind me that You are near. Please make me aware of Your presence. Fill me up, God, so that way I might overflow with confident hope, regardless of what comes my way.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

God, I am honored to be Yours, and I’m grateful that when You created the universe—You thought of me and decided to give me life. Each day, I’m in awe of Your goodness, power, and love for Your people. Thank You for sending Your only Son to the cross so I could have a relationship with You. I love You, Lord.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Dear Lord, Teach us to look for opportunities to witness. You extend salvation to everyone, and we want to show the world the hope they can have in life with You. In Jesus’s Name, Amen.

Loving God, you allowed John the ability to recognize the Messiah from the womb. He valiantly spread the news that the Kingdom of God was at hand and prepared the way for Jesus to follow. Help us in our lives to prepare others to receive Jesus into their hearts. Amen.

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