daily blogs High Five Friday in Community

High Five Friday in Community

Good afternoon. It’s High Five Friday. Did you share it with someone last time? Did you do it last week ? And maybe you are doing it everyday which is all the better. Please go to your nearest mirror look at yourself give yourself a high five , smile and tell yourself you Love you and then tell your Higher Power you Love them . Today as we get further into the Holiday Season have you let anyone know how appropriated and cared for they are? Have you let you know how appreciated and cared for you are? Have you written down your thoughts recently? What are your plans for the holidays regardless of your religious and/or spirituality preferences? Are you going to be in Community in some way ? How can you part of bringing Community to someone else ? Even if you don’t want to , how can you? Community can be in person, phone, Zoom , Groups, Church, Shelters the possibilities are endless but with someone else . How can you show appreciation to someone else during this time while also doing the same for you . Now, we don’t do things to say look at me but when we are following the direction of the way we were created to be we definitely feel an effect of it. Create it, Live it ,Feel it, Embrace it! All = Work.

Today for some here there are hard decisions that need to be made , they are not going make themselves and yes they will 100% take work and very well may be painful. But if you continue to ignore them, suppress and/or deny them what good will that do? Nothing changes if nothing changes. The decision is still going to be there it is not going anywhere, try and cover it that only compounds it . Is it Easy? NO. Is it a Battle ?without a question ! Will it hurt ?more than a good chance. Is the decision that needs to be made going to go away? No. Is the behavior, activity, lack there of etc going to continue to increase? more than likely. If you continue to avoid it will it hurt you more ? Only you know the answer of that. Can you ask your Higher Power for direction and Truly listen for the answer? Will this include you accepting whatever help and resources come your way ? Will you have to be completely honest with yourself regardless of the pain? Yes, nothing will change if you first do not make the decision to address it and second do the work. Who can help with all of this as well as you help others by expressing Love? Community . If you can’t find one create it. Love you all . Be Good to yourself and each other.

Agape — “Unconditional Love”

Agape is by far the most special, most respectful of all the Greek types of love.

Agape is a universal, unconditional, selfless love for others. It involves being altruistic and caring more for others than for yourself as we were created to.

Message from the Universe

Today’s Law of Attraction

Angels are saying today

Daily Prayers

God, with everything I do, I want to honor You. You have given me my life and all that I have. You inspire me with ideas, words, and actions. Help me to humble myself and not take credit for what You’ve done in my life. Thank You for wanting me to play a part in Your plans.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

God, I’m grateful that when I seek You, You promise to let me find You. Thank You for being my guide and constant help. I pray that, every day, I will begin to know You more and more. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Jesus, thank You for giving me the opportunity to live eternally with You. I know I don’t deserve Your forgiveness for my mistakes, but I am so grateful You accept me no matter what I’ve done. I love You so much, Lord—thank You for loving me. Amen.

Dear God, forgive us for our frustration when a season of life is challenging. We surrender our desires and choose to live according to Your will. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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