Afternoon all, Tuesday post went up on the Blog late last night but was posted to Social Media sites today. Today’s Word of the Day is Rejoice. What does Rejoice mean to you ? How do you Rejoice? Is Rejoicing done by yourself and/or with others ?
This Verse spoke to me today
”For our momentary, light distress [this passing trouble] is producing for us an eternal weight of glory [a fullness] beyond all measure [surpassing all comparisons, a transcendent splendor and an endless blessedness]!“
2 Corinthians 4:17 AMP
Pain, Suffering, Trials, Storms , and Discomfort all are very uncomfortable but are they necessary to get us where we need to be?
What does all of this discomfort show us ? How important is Faith and our walk with it ? Can we walk through all of the discomfort without Faith ?that may be entirely possible but it is not the way we were created. When we go through these Trials and Storms it puts us in a place where we have to give it up and Truly Surrender it to be brought through the storm. It tells us it is time for us to go on autopilot and know the course that has been charted for us is planned out. It does give us the opportunity to turn the auto pilot off which may result in a departure from our course or worse mechanical failure. Auto Pilot our Faith and Believe in our Higher Power are there for us and have been since we were created and beyond . The lessons that we are learn on our journeys is there for us if we just look for them. “The only way we can waste our pain is by forgetting it and leaving behind the precious insights we gained by enduring it”. I Love the idea of utilizing a physical monument of some type to represent the Faithfulness of our Heavenly Father through the Darkness, Storms, Trials ,Tribulations, Grief. There is already a beautiful scar in place even if we can’t physically see it , it’s there .
You could utilize just about anything as a monument to provide you reassurance of what you have and/or will get through these times . Why not consider a song , book , certain car, place, person, animal etc to replace that once negatively triggering thing to Now represent the New meaning for your beautiful scar that replaced it. So yes you see the car or similar but now that represents your Beautiful scar that has replaced the other meaning of the object, person , place, thing to a far more positive meaning Full of positivity and True Love . Have a Blessed Day Surrounded in Love . Come from a place of Love.