daily blogs Happy Non-Judgement High Five Friday

Happy Non-Judgement High Five Friday

Good morning everyone. I hope you have a blessed day . I noticed the upload from the pod cast with Robin is back up again not sure what happened last night. Today , Judgement is knocking at me . First, we must realize only one is meant to judge . Is that an easy pill to swallow no and will take work . Not that we are questioning or trying to do our Higher Powers job but we all have unconscious bias whether we realize it or not . It takes work to recognize something before you say and truly ask yourself am I judging and/or setting an expectation for this person? We have no idea what someone has went through is currently going through and/or thinking , not for us to decide or pass judgement. Do I do it perfectly all the time no not at all and slipped last night. First we have to recognize we either are doing or have done it and then look for lesson in it . We want to apologize to the other party in whatever when you feel you need to after you yourself determine you judged them. It is not up to us to Judge anyone , again this takes work. If it does happen recognize it and find the lesson in the mistake. There is always a lesson in a mistake if we are truly willing to look first to find it and accept it. Again, we may find ourselves in a heightened amount of stress right now but during this time is extremely important as always not judge anyone and that includes you! If you find you have judged someone recognize it , Find the lesson, apologize if at all possible and then Stop judging yourself for making the mistake. You made it but can now see the lesson take this valuable information and move forward. Happy High Five Friday. Don’t forget the High Five . Love you all.


Message from the Universe

Today’s Law of Attraction

Angels are saying today

Daily Prayer’s

God, thank You for always fulfilling Your promises. Today, I thank You for fulfilling Your most special promise—sending Your Son, Jesus, to live and die on earth as a man. Because of Him—I can learn to live a God-honoring life and spend eternity with You. I’m forever filled with joy and gratitude for Your goodness.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

God, thank You for always being good. Sometimes I worry, but I know that with You I am safe and protected. So please help me to notice the ways in which You lead me each day so that I can live a life that honors Your will. Thank You for loving me and for giving me the opportunity to have a relationship with You. I give my future to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

God, I want to help people find You. Please guide me as I share Your love with those around me. Help me become a good representative of You. Put me in situations where I can share Your good news with others. I’m here to serve You, Lord—send me where You want me to go. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Dearest Heavenly Father, please forgive us when we become distracted. We choose to keep Jesus in front and all other things behind us as we continue along the road toward You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Lord, you know us and judge us only by how well we follow you. You don’t care where we are born or how skilled we are, only that we do what is right. Help us to be more like you. Amen.

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