Good afternoon all . Imagine for a minute if we could carry the Spirit of Christmas with us throughout the year . Why can’t we ? Our Flesh , others, ourselves, egos , selfishness, vengeance, Hate, temperament, attitudes, lack of work , willingness to step into the uncomfortable,Anger ,Fear,Guilt, Grief, Self pity , Regret ,jealousy, pride ,Insecurity, Past, unwillingness or just not sure how to forgive, resentment? This list could go on and on without a doubt and we all could contribute to it if we are being Honest , Open , and Vulnerable. Faith without works is dead where else could this be applied in our lives. We gotta do the work whatever it is and we definitely will not have Faith without it . Our Loving Father puts all the above in us and probably more aside and does not punish us for it but what he does do is provide Unconditional Love . What comes with Unconditional Love – Grace, Mercy , Compassion, Forgiveness, Blessings , Care, Parenting by the Father and yes discipline.
“and be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.”
Ephesians 4:32 KJV
Why can we not do the same ? We are nowhere near the Father ; however, next time approach someone else and yourself with the Unconditional Love God created us out of and utilize the Fruits of the Spirit.
and be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.”
Ephesians 4:32 KJV
Today put on your full body armor and provide unconditional Love to others including yourself. If you see someone on a street corner and you feel safe to do so, row down your window and tell someone I Love you and God Loves You, God sees and Loves you. I see you. God Bless. If you want to provide them with food, beverage, and money all the better. Thank you for doing that as Loved Child of God you let someone else know they are Loved Child of God as well and are seen. Love each and every one of you.