Good afternoon, Are you in Community? Community can be one other person, group, Zoom, Friends, Family, Church , On the phone , etc
If you aren’t in a Community please consider the following questions that are intended for those currently in Community. Is it Healthy? What are the benefits of being in the Community? Is it going to help or hinder? We should take into consideration the Community may only be intended for a season , which you may not know right now . Its is very possible that initially the community served a purpose for you during the season but now things have changed? Is the Community evolving with you or vise versa? Did someone in the Community come into your Life during an increased time of stress in your life and now you are seeing repeated behaviors demonstrated by the person that you may or may not have noticed initially. Maybe you did or did not see the behaviors at the time but you do now . Does this Community contact you or is all contact made by you ? Why do I ask these questions. Because what if we were brought into the Community and/or individuals in the Community and now we see behaviors exhibited that show you exactly who they are ? Are you the only one reaching out ? Are they texting only when they want to ? Are they calling you ? Are they engaged in the Community? Are they in the Community to have everyone see they are a good person so they can convince themselves? These are all valid questions. It is essential we get in Community but we do need to make sure it is healthy , safe, and secure. We also need to realize some Communities are meant only for a season. We should 100% get into Community like we were created to but make sure it is a healthy and positive environment for you . This may mean and not limited to establishing boundaries. It is very possible and common to have to establish boundaries in community as in other areas of your life . Keep in mind boundaries are for us not to police other people and/or tell them what they can or cannot do. Communities are Beautiful we are meant to be in them and without a question they are there on our journey for Growth, Change, Development, Healing. We just have to make sure it is the right one for us and maybe it only was for a season. I Love You All and we are in Community right now. Did you tell someone you Loved them yesterday starting with yourself? Have a Blessed Monday.
Message from the Universe
Today’s Law of Attraction
Angels are saying today
Daily Prayer’s
God, thank You for being my strength and my shield. I trust You because I know You will always be there for me. I can rejoice each day knowing that You are good, and I praise You because You love me. Thank You for being my Savior.
God, the world is desperate to know You, and I want to allow others to experience Your love. Guide me to those who are open to You, and please give me the courage to share my experience with You.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Dear Lord, we have faith in Your decision to close some doors of our life so that others open. We place our lives in Your hands when faced with life’s firey furnaces. In Jesus’s Name, Amen.
Lord, you told the people of Israel how they needed to live and that salvation was near. Salvation has come for us because of Jesus and his sacrifice for us. May we lead lives that are in keeping with your message from Isaiah. Amen