A Blessed Friday Morning to all you beautiful people. Today we are blessed with another High Five Friday! Preferably, right now regardless of what you feel , where you are at locate your closest mirror preferably somewhere with a door that closes truly look at yourself in the mirror and give yourself a High Five. Then if you aren’t smiling please smile tell yourself you are blessed and that you Love yourself. Then tell your Higher Power you Love them. After you are done with that look in the mirror and tell yourself you Love you , the good, bad, ugly, and in between. Tell yourself that you accept yourself right now the way you are unconditionally. All the while keep in mind your Higher Powers Love for you is unconditional. Your Higher Power does not hold you to a standard of perfection nor should you. Your Higher Power Loves you as should you. You were Beautifully, Wonderfully, Fearlessly Created out of Love. We are not perfect and nor should we hold ourselves to perfection we will stumble, we will fall , we will make mistakes but we will get back up. We will ask forgiveness from our Higher Power, Ourselves and others . We will go through pain, grief , heal and all the while regardless of the circumstances remain with unconditional Love for ourselves as we were created. We are flawed not perfect but at the end of the day and throughout we must remain in a state of unconditional Love for ourselves and spread Love to others. Progress not perfection. Regardless of where you are and what you have been told or what’s going on you are more than enough. You are a beautifully, Loving Person . Progress not perfection ask for forgiveness and be willing to accept it. We cannot accept something with a closed fist. Slowly open your fist to allow it in because it is right there waiting. Love you all, Have a Blessed Friday and if you can share a High Five with someone, step out of your comfort zone( there is always hand sanitizer).
Message from the Universe
Today’s Law of Attraction
Angels are saying today
Daily Prayers
God, I confess that I have not always been the person You’ve created me to be. I sometimes fail to love You with my whole heart, mind, and soul. I do not always love my neighbors as You love them. Please forgive me, God. Transform my heart and renew my mind so that I can draw closer to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
God, I know that You are good and wise. But sometimes it’s hard for me to trust Your plan over my own. Please help me! Take control of my anxious thoughts and fill me with Your wisdom. Thank You that I don’t have to navigate this life alone. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
God, I am so thankful that You don’t hold me to a standard of perfection. When I make a mistake, You accept and forgive me. You never give up on me—thank You. When I confess my wrongdoing, please help me avoid making the same mistakes again. I want to live a life that honors You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.