daily blogs High Five Friday Today is Combined with Think About Yourself Thursday

High Five Friday Today is Combined with Think About Yourself Thursday

Good evening beautiful people! Getting a chance to write and post tonight. We will be working on coming to you here more and through the podcast but honestly can not say it will be everyday with the schedule where it currently is . This is no means is saying you aren’t important and Loved by us not all just that things are rather tight now , don’t get me wrong the voice is still there to write daily which usually occurs even if it is not on here .

Today is High Five Friday. We also wanted to add yesterday’s post for Think About Yourself Thursday that did not get posted yesterday. Again, this was intended for Thursday but can definitely be done today , tomorrow and/or any day of the week . This ,Think About Yourself Thursday think of one thought that barks at you in a not so positive way , then recognize it and then ask yourself what it is trying to tell you ? Does the thought invoke a sensation ? What is the sensation ? Embrace the thought without judgement? How can you reframe that thought for the positive because it’s there if we look for it ? Today’s Word of the Day is Desire, what does Desire mean to you ? How does Desire affect your life ? Well one thing I have definitely got a good reminder on during this current scheduling phase it is still essential we are in community even with very little time to do things outside of Work and in fact more essential during times like this . Love You All , Coming to you again soon . You are Not Alone, You Never have been. Love Yourself and Others.


Message from the Universe

Today’s Law of Attraction

Angels are saying today

Daily Prayer’s

God, thank You for the heart You’ve given to me. Thank You for the circumstances in my life that lead me to trust You and minister to others. I want to keep a soft heart, a heart like Jesus’. Help me walk in this posture, God. Thank you! Amen.

God, thank You for the great gift of salvation. Thank You for the grace and mercy that You’ve given to me. Thank You for sending Jesus to make it possible to have a relationship with You. Help me live in gratitude of my salvation each and every day. Show me ways that I can share this good news with others in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Jesus, I want to share the Gospel with the world. Each day, help me to be an example of Your love to a world who doesn’t know You. Guide me to those who need to experience Your goodness, and draw others closer to You through my words and actions. Amen.

Lord, You are the God of all comfort, and I thank You for Your great love. As I wrestle with the grief of loss that weighs heavy on my heart, I pray that You would bring relief to my burden. Help me to bear my sorrow so that I may endure this season of mourning and take comfort in knowing that You are with me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

God, I am prideful. I confess my pride to you, because alone I am not able to overcome it. I recognize that your plan comes first, and so I humble myself before you. I will not walk my own path, but the one that you have laid out for me, and I ask for the guidance of your Holy Spirit.

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