daily blogs Are We Trying Impress Eveyone but the One that Matters.

Are We Trying Impress Eveyone but the One that Matters.

Good Beautiful Sunday morning to you all. Hope you all have a Blessed day in Community today.

Today’s message hitting.

We created our own fear of man/Woman . Fear was meant to be for Life and Death situations and yet we incorrectly use it sometimes daily. We can cause our selves to be falsely imprisoned by something that was put there to truly protect us in life and death situations. The only one we truly need to fear and in a good way is the Lord. There is no need to have outside approval and/or acceptance of others. The only one we truly need acceptance from is the Lord. As we know we already have that and he Loves us unconditionally. There is no need to try to impress, win over, convince others to Like us and Love us. The only one we need to convince is there the whole time and accepts us exactly where we are Sins, Scars and all. We have no need for Fear of Man/Woman but to fear the Lord, Live in Humility, Kindness and Love as we were created . Don’t get me wrong if people see who you truly are and they want to get to know you more as a Loving child of God that’s great but you do not need their approval, Only One you need is his and you already have it. Come from a place of Love with everyone but you do not require anyone’s approval to Love you as the Beautifully, Wonderfully, Fearlessly Created person you are . Be yourself don’t be someone and/or something you are not to fit in there is absolutely no need for that and is not a path we want to go down , nope instead be your true authentic, Loving self . Love you all . Hope you all are in Community in some way today. Make it the best day you can and be Grateful to your Higher Power for another day!


Message from the Univese

Today’s Law of Attraction

Angels are saying today

Daily Prayer’s

God, I praise You that You are not like humans who forget and fail when we present our needs. You are always mindful of us, and always generous and just in your responses. Help me to trust Your timing and Your character. When I remember people and situations where Your mercy is needed, prompt me to pray and not give up. Amen.

God, thank You for always being good. Sometimes I worry, but I know that with You I am safe and protected. So please help me to notice the ways in which You lead me each day so that I can live a life that honors Your will. Thank You for loving me and for giving me the opportunity to have a relationship with You. I give my future to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

God, You understand every hardship I face because You go through it with me. That’s why I know that nothing is impossible for You. You are my source of strength and protection. You comfort me, guide me, and restore me. That’s why I can say with confidence, “I will fear no evil,” because You are with me. Nothing I go through is unseen or wasted. Thank You! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, I thank You for Your saving grace. I thank You for the gift of salvation through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Today, I stand in the gap praying that You will soften the hearts of those who are lost and far from You. No one is too far from Your love to be touched and transformed by You. I believe in faith that those in my life who do not know You will come to a relationship with You! I will testify of Your glory and praise Your name. In Jesus’ name, amen!

Lord, thank you for calling me to Yourself, and for the life-giving presence of Your Holy Spirit. Give me strength so that I might cling to You and receive nourishment from You in prayer and through Your word. And as I grow, work through me so that You may use me to produce an abundant harvest for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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