daily blogs Who Does Bitterness Truly Effect Besides You

Who Does Bitterness Truly Effect Besides You

Good afternoon, I read the following sentence in a Devotional I am doing in a Bible app :

Bitterness is a form of anger toward God and others that brings despair of soul.

Wow , that hit right away. When we are Bitter with others we are Bitter to God! Holy Cow! I really didn’t not look at it this way but let’s be honest after all The Truth Will Set You Free . Forgiving and uprooting bitterness is a lot easier said than done. Sometimes the same thought, feeling , memory, rumination requires us to start the surrendering process daily, if not more. A smell , vehicle, house , sound , song , cologne, other people, etc bring us right back to that place. And we start over but have we truly started over ? Or is this just a bump in the road? The answer doesn’t really matter what does is it is progress and not perfection. The whole process is not easy and can be very painful but to know that our Bitter Thoughts and Roots are not only effecting us the Lord and very possibly others goes totally against Love you Neighbor as yourself. This a revelation to know our Bitterness/ Resentment affects the Lord. Don’t get me wrong I do not want to live in the past and not forgive others , as we are forgiven and directed to but it’s not an easy process. But was anything Jesus went through an easy process and without pain we cannot even imagine? We are created to forgive but is it possible to forget? We can visit the past we just do not need to sign a lease or pay a down payment. Not always an easy process and takes work. The Mind is so power but our Lord and Savior is much more powerful. So I am going to remind myself whenever I feel myself going to bitterness and planting evil roots not only are you doing this toward someone else You Are Doing It To the Lord. Wow . We are created to Love each other and do the work needed to get there starting with us first. Love you all have a blessed day.


Message from the Universe

Today’s Law of Attraction

Angels are saying to you today

Daily Prayer’s

Father God, here I am. You know the hopes and dreams I have for the future. You know the problems I am currently facing, and the struggles I’ve already overcome. You are with me, and You are for me. Please align my will with Yours as I bring my requests to You today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

God, You give us Scripture so that we can know You better. Your Word is not meant to be a list of instructions but a way of life that leads to You. The more time we spend in the Bible, the more deeply we know Your character and nature. Thank you for revealing Yourself to us in this way.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, thank You for Your peace. Even in life’s most difficult moments, I can have peace because I know You are with me. Help me to feel Your nearness in every circumstance, and guide me through challenges.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, I thank You for Your Holy Spirit. I thank You for my Helper who leads me into Your will and Your way for my life. I repent for the times I have missed the mark. I pray that I can practice deeper levels of self-control as I obey You. I pray that my life will glorify You and that I will be a light to those around me. I thank You for freedom and victory. In Jesus’ name, amen!

Father, thank You for noticing me. When I compare myself to others, I sometimes forget how purposeful and attentive You are in caring for me. Thank you for the birds, who remind me every day of Your great and perfect love. I take comfort in knowing that in You I am never forgotten. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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