afternoon it’s a wonderful Think About Yourself Thursday. This week think about a time you expressed you cared about someone. What was it you did? How did it affect the other person, even if a facial gesture? How did it affect you? I am not trying to cause you any confusion, stay grounded in present while answering those questions please. Take time out your day and verbalize and/or write something you are Grateful for from today. If you can’t think of one here are a few examples that definitely apply to everyone reading this
You Have a Pulse, You Woke Up, You are Breathing, You are Loved, You Have Been Forgiven, You Have Been Beautifully and Wonderfully Made, You Have Your Higher Power with you at all times. Just a few to go off , if you can’t think on any.
Gratitude is essential to us in life. This is very similar to reaping and sowing. The more we contribute the more we get back not that this expected or why we do it. If we are showing Gratitude and/ or sowing for a return we are doing it for the wrong reason and our Higher Power is very aware of it. How does sowing make you feel ? The return on Gratitude may not necessarily be financial it could be a job, relationship, health, friends, community, education, scholarship’s, etc.
Gratitude is essential to show our Higher Power thanks. We take so much for granted every day that we truly need to Grateful for. Turning complaining into Gratitude and appreciation. Our Higher Power will Loves us unconditionally regardless of if we show Gratitude or not but we need to give him thanks and praise? He is the reason we are all here, he has plan for us, he reroutes us, he loves us regardless. Be Thankful, Be Loving, Don’t limit Yourself, Come from a place of love, Be Love the way you were created . I am Grateful for all of you and Love you all. Take care of yourself and each other.
I don’t know who this is meant for but stop limiting yourself leave! Just do it, you will not be alone. You are Loved.The enemy will come into our lives disguised as the source of good. They will try to influence us to do things that seem right or just plain feel good but in time our intuition tells otherwise. Some people are a Wolf in Sheep’s clothing, just waiting for the opportunity to spread their wings.
Love you all have a blessed night.
Message from the Universe
Today’s Law of Attraction
Angels are saying today
Daily Prayer’s
God, You are my great provider, and You provide me with opportunities to give generously. Please give me the courage to trust You with every opportunity to live a generous life. I want to wisely manage the money, time, and energy You’ve given me, so please help me to steward them well. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
God, I want to help people find You. Please guide me as I share Your love with those around me. Help me become a good representative of You. Put me in situations where I can share Your good news with others. I’m here to serve You, Lord—send me where You want me to go. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
God, thank You for having a plan and a purpose for me. I’m sorry for the times I’ve held the plans I’ve made for myself too tightly. As I continue pursuing You and Your good will, I pray that You will guide me according to what You want for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Lord, I thank You for reminding me that You are always in control. I thank You, that I can remain open-handed with my worries and my wants, trusting Your will for my life. I repent for the ways I have walked in pride. I repent for times when I have been self-centered and missed the mark. I pray that as I humble myself today, You show me grace and favor. I thank You for the relationship I have with You. I pray that as I submit, Your presence and power in my life are magnified. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.
Lord, thank You for loving me and sustaining me. As I feel the weight of my burdens, I pray that You will give me eyes to see Your hand at work. Help me to remember Your love that covers me in danger, bears the weight of my struggles, and comforts me through storms. Please keep me close, so that I may endure until You fully set me free by Your mercy. In Jesus’ name, amen.
The Law of Life is perfect because there is nothing that can taint it. A perfect sacrifice took place so that we could be perfected in God’s eyes. Our souls have been revived from the dead of sin and we can now testify of God’s goodness as His children. The Law of our Lord, Jesus Christ, has brought us into an eternally better standing with God. This is why we call it perfect. This is why we can sing God’s praises. This is why we can look ahead of our lives with hope.