Good morning Beautiful People . Today’s Word of the Day is Feed ? What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Feed ? Do you get to make the conscious choice what you feed and when? Yesterday’s Blog came out after the anticipated time and later in the evening at which time the coffee comment may not have applied to you all but today there is still time . Enjoy a cup of coffee, walk outside, write, journal, enjoy something that makes you feel good. It could be anything you enjoy. For some of us that is exactly the way to start the day . This could mean the difference of a bad day or a good day . Does the start of an off day make it bad ? If we feed it does it get worse? Can we make the conscious decision to do the work and find the positive in it? Is it a choice for us to decide to stay and/or feed the mindset the day is not going well? How can you turn this negativity of the day starting off rough into a positive? Do you need to if you haven’t all ready go to Your Higher Power?
“Honor me by trusting in me in your day of trouble. Cry aloud to me, and I will be there to rescue you.”
Psalms 50:15 TPT
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”
Psalms 46:1 NIV
Could you possibly need to reach out to your Community to if nothing else simply talk about it ? If that is the case after you verbalize it to someone else do you see it differently now and has it potentially lost its power ? If getting in Community is not an option right now can you journal on it . When you write it out first did it lose its power ? Second, now that you got it out and can see it is it really a problem? If it is really a problem did you name it and embrace it ? As we know naming and embracing a problem is far more effective than running and/or covering it. Today is Beautiful Day with Wonderful Opportunities filled with Love and we get to make the decision whether it’s a Good or Bad Day. Just because it starts rough does not mean it needs to stay that way , so you get to decide which Fire you Feed and yes it may take work. One very important reminder it is Progress and Not Perfection. Second point here just as important is that recognized what you had the potential to feed and when. Recognition cannot be underscored that is Huge. Love you all . Love each other and Do not forget Yourself. One quick thing if the day seems to start rough and/or continuing that way what is one thing you can verbalize you are Grateful for at the time ? If it persists write down five things and say them out loud . May your day be filled with Blessings and Love .